What's a Hillbilly Treasure?

I suppose now-a-days they call it "Re-Purposing." Where I come from...you call it "Making it do with what ya got!"

For a fun and unusual blog experience, come and check out my other blog:


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Moving on

My brand new baby blog (this one) is being let go of already...but it is for bigger and better happenings!

I have launched my brand new website; http://www.hillbillyhandiworks.com/. I now have combined all blogs, facebook pages, websites under one name.

Come and join me AT MY NEW BLOG, and see what kind of handy things I dream up next!
(coming soon, learn to quilt tutorials)


Friday, July 16, 2010

We've been collecting...

Just so you don't think I'm a slacker or anything, here are some of the treasures we have found lately. Some at sales, some free, all next to free.

You're thinking what a jumbled up mess! I'm thinking what a mess, but so much fun! We can't wait to get started. We've been looking for my husband some tools. These are the only power tools he owns:

So's he's going to be using a lot of hand tools, but he doesn't mind. He says it will be therapeutic. I don't think I'm going to garage sales tomorrow. I think we will just start on one of the many projects shown in that mess shown above. Maybe I'll just clean the mess. I hate messy workspaces. Don't you?